Saturday, June 20, 2015

I believe in farming

One of my biggest beliefs is in the fact that farmers are the center of the world.  They provide the food that keeps us alive.  I believe that most farmers have values that the rest of the world should be jealous of.  Farmers are some of the strongest people that I know.   Strength not only in the physical form but also in terms of emotions.  Who else can watch something that they have put an enormous amount of work into, die to become food for another person.  Who else could wake up early, go to bed late, and work from wake up to bed.  They provide the food that feeds the world and keeps the rest of us working.  Without farmers there would be none of the rest of us.  We could not survive without food.  We could not dress without farmers, there would be no clothing.  We would have to run naked.  We would have no furniture.  A farmer is extremely involved in his or her community.  They help their neighbors.  They celebrate with their neighbors, they grieve with their neighbors.  They are entwined in their neighborhoods.

Word Count:  188


  1. Hello Carrie,
    I agree with you totally, that farmers are the center of our world. If it wasn't for the hardworking farmer where would we all be? My uncle owns a pig farm back home in Indiana, a several thousand acres of farmland. He is a huge corn and soybean farmer. I used to love summer vacation when I was little and I would go stay the whole month of June and wouldn't come home till after July 4th every summer. I used to go help feed the pigs, detassle corn, pick corn plants out of the bean field and bean plants out of the corn fields. I have a huge respect for the farmer. I come from a small farm community back home in Indiana, so I fully relate to your freewrite. God Bless you in your life journey.

  2. I read an article on Facebook a few months back about a farmer's son who suffered a football injury. While the family was at the hospital, over 100 people from the community came with their tractors to help with the family's harvest. The article brought tears to my eyes multiple times. Here's a link:
    Unfortunately, farmers seem to have been taken over by large corporations that use pesticides and other unhealthy means of making their produce grow quickly. That's why things like the Farmer's Market and Farmer's Gastro Pub are great.
    I don't know if people even read responses to their posts, but do you or have you ever been a farmer or part of a farming family?

  3. I would have to agree with you on the strength that it takes to watch something that you have seen be birthed, you fed it and watched it grow up right in front of you, to then having it in your freezer the next month. But that's the life of a farmer or rancher. I like to think of myself as a rancher more than a farmer because we mainly have cows and horses. But we do have a garden! Thank you for recognizing the need and strength of farmers!

  4. Farming has definitely paved the way for our country as well as provided tremendously towards a multitude of things. Whether it be to the less fortunate or fortune 500 companies. I've always wanted to own my own little farm. It's almost hard to believe how much time, preparation, dedication, and work that goes to growing a successful farm!

  5. Farming has definitely paved the way for our country as well as provided tremendously towards a multitude of things. Whether it be to the less fortunate or fortune 500 companies. I've always wanted to own my own little farm. It's almost hard to believe how much time, preparation, dedication, and work that goes to growing a successful farm!
